AI Scholars 2024

Artificial Intelligence Projects for High School Students

Developed and Mentored by Stanford and MIT Alumni and Graduate Students

Build an Impactful AI Project

What do self-driving cars, Alexa, automatic cancer diagnosis, and ChatGPT have in common? They are driven by modern advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI is poised to transform our economy, homes, cities, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, education, and more.

Inspirit AI students will work collaboratively in small groups of 5-6 students to implement a mentor-led socially impactful AI project.

Structure of an AI Scholars Project

Students will implement Computer Vision or Natural Language Processing models using Python and associated AI libraries to build this project. The project will help students understanding the data science pipeline for a real-world problem:

  • Data Cleaning and Visualization

  • Building the Initial AI Model

  • Interpreting Results and Improving the AI Model

  • Creating and Delivering Final Presentations and Results

Final Day: Students present their project to parents and guests on the final day. Motivated students may build a web application to showcase their project.

Artificial Intelligence Project Options

AI Scholars complete a project at the intersection of AI and their interest discipline. The program offers projects for aspiring artists, engineers, journalists, biologists, entrepreneurs and more!

“I had an amazing time working on my project! I learnt so much about Siri and a language model called Bert that I didn't even know existed before this program. Overall, this truly ignited a spark of interest in me about natural language processing and I'm so glad to have picked this incredibly interesting topic.”

— Amanya Sahney, B.D. Somani International School

Project Highlights from 2024

Safe ChatGPT: Build an Authentic Chatbot

Using ChatGPT to build a truthful chatbot and avoid “fake-proofing.”

Precision Medicine in Colorectal Cancer

Automating the classification of colorectal tissue types to reduce diagnostic variability.

Moneyball: AI, Sports, and Business

Using AI for sports prediction, inspired by the book and movie Moneyball.

Planet Hunters: Searching for Exoplanets

Using data collected from NASA’s Kepler telescope to train AI to detect exoplanets.

“I found the project extremely interesting and engaging. It was amazing to see how useful AI can be in analyzing things like DNA sequences. I had no idea it was so simple to make these powerful models.”

— Andrew Klearman, Evanston Township School

AI Scholars Project Experiences

Project Curriculum Developers

Meet some of our exceptional team working to develop exciting new projects based on their own research and expertise in AI.

Brianna Chrisman
Healthcare Projects

Education: Stanford, PhD student in Bioengineering
Yale, Bachelor’s in Biomedical Engineering

Research/Industry Experience: Works in Dennis Wall's lab in computational genomics, specifically related to evolutionary virology and structural genetic variation. Previously worked as a software engineer at Google.

Aansh Shah
Finance and Business Projects

Education: Brown, Master’s in Computer Science
Brown, Bachelor’s in Applied Math and Computer Science

Industry Experience: Currently an engineer at Amazon working on the Alexa AI. Interests include explainability in AI and deploying models at scale in the world.

Erica Yuen
Arts and Humanities Projects

Education: MIT, Master’s in Computer Science
MIT, Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering

Research Experience: Focus in Human-Computer Interaction, computer vision, image processing. Perviously explored how we can use machine learning to enable creativity.

“Proudly presenting my first and successful AI project at the culmination of the program was definitely the high point of the program. It was almost unbelievable that I could build an AI module in a matter of weeks that can examine the chest X-ray of a patient and diagnose pneumonia reasonably accurately.”

— Amanya Sahney, B.D. Somani International School